The hotel has 2 restaurants, one on the hotel rooftop which is open to hotel residents as well as those not staying at the hotel, and one on the hotel 2nd floor which is for the exclusive use of hotel guests. The same menu is available in both restaurants.
The hotel has 3 bars, one on the hotel rooftop, another located on the hotel 3rd floor and a third tiki-lounge or pandan style bar located by the hotel swimming pool.
Scroll through the carousel of images above to get a flavour of each of the bars and restaurants.

Danao Beach, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines
+63 917 315 2698
Extra Services
The hotel also provides these services. Is there a service you need that is not listed ? The hotel staff will make every effort to provide this for you.
Please ask for assistance from the hotel staff at front desk if you wish to book a tour to any local destination. For island-hopping and scuba activities, we can have a pumpboat pick you up from the beach in front of the hotel.
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Airport Transfers
The hotel provides a free air-conditioned shuttle van to and from the local Tagbilaran Internation Airport, just 10 minutes drive away. Let us know when you are arriving and your flight details and we will meet you there.

Explore Panglao or Bohol
The hotel can provide local expertise to you if you wish to explore Panglao or further, to Bohol. Find the hidden gems only locals know about. Ask for more details of this service at Hotel Reception.